
Not sure how to get rid of roaches? You're not alone. Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests in the world.

They're also one of the toughest insects out there and can colonize just about anywhere. Understanding the basics of roaches will make it easier to help get rid of them.

To make matters worse, roaches are known to carry disease-causing pathogens that can result in food poisoning and diarrhea, as well as trigger asthma, allergies and skin rashes. In large numbers, cockroaches can also produce a foul odor. All the more reason to get rid of cockroaches before an infestation occurs.

Before deciding how to kill roaches in your home, it's best to develop a plan. A licensed, professional cockroach control company will do this for you. The most effective roach control typically requires more than one type of treatment method, and leans on the aid of trained professionals who are adept at identifying roaches and the most effective solutions for your problem.

Understanding roaches

Understanding the basics of roaches will make it easier to control them. So, let's start with some roach information 101.

On average, roaches can range anywhere from one-half to 3 inches long. The three most common cockroaches in the United States are:

Different roaches can be attracted to your home for different reasons.

Knowing the type of roach you are dealing with can help when deciding how to get rid of cockroaches. For instance, the most common roach found indoors is the German cockroach. Like other roaches, the German cockroach needs a steady supply of food and water to survive.

Roaches enter homes in search of food, water and shelter. Once roaches have infested areas such as cupboards, sinks, kitchens, bathrooms and hard-to-reach places, they can multiply quickly, potentially posing a threat to your comfort and health. Reducing access to food and water sources in your home help make your home far less attractive to cockroaches.

You can help prevent cockroaches with a variety of other methods as well, such as daily cleaning and proper food storage. Staying mindful of these small-yet-important tasks can lessen your chances of a cockroach infestation. But how do you get rid of cockroaches for good once they've already entered your home?

What attracts roaches to my home?

Many people are surprised that cockroaches take up residence in their clean homes. In reality, your house doesn't have to be dirty to attract these pests.

Cockroaches may be drawn to your home for a variety of reasons:

  • If you live in a certain location. For example, American cockroaches mostly live in the southeastern part of the U.S., though they can survive and be found in many other parts of the country. They can enter a house simply because it's in their path.
  • Cockroaches are drawn to moisture, which can be caused by leaky faucets and other open water sources.
  • Your home harbors a source of food for cockroaches. You don't even have to leave food out in the open. In addition to feeding on what you have in your pantry, these pests can feed on wallpaper, cardboard, leather, and soap.
  • Refuse of all kinds is an open invitation to cockroaches. If you have standing water, compost, woodpiles, and trash bins near your home, it may serve as a homing beacon for hungry and thirsty cockroaches.

Even if you are doing everything right, cockroaches could come over from your neighbors' property — especially if you share an adjoining wall, such as in an apartment complex, condo, or row home. In freestanding homes, German cockroaches are most often brought in with other items that are brought into the home such as groceries, new clothing, furniture or other items. That's why professional pest control is always your best bet for getting rid of cockroaches.

Cockroach prevention tips

As the saying goes, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." One of the best ways to help get rid of roaches is to mount a defense in terms of good sanitation practices. Simple cleaning and maintaining a vigilant eye can help reduce the chances of a cockroach infestation, but cannot assure that cockroaches will not infest. In the event your roaches are too much to manage on your own, contact a pest control professional.

Here are some tips to follow to help prevent roaches:

Clean to remove things that cockroaches need

Like most living creatures, cockroaches need food and water to survive. By practicing regular sanitation in your home, you can make your home less inviting to roaches.

  • Remove trash regularly
  • Use trash liners and be sure trash can lids are tightly shut
  • Clean grease food debris daily after using your kitchen
  • Sweep away crumbs from countertops
  • Wash and put away dirty dishes
  • Vacuum and mop regularly
  • Dispose of uneaten pet food or cover your pet's dishes

Clean kitchen appliances regularly for cockroach reduction

Food particles and crumbs tend to stay in kitchen appliances such as toasters, steamers, and coffeemakers. To prevent cockroaches from finding a source of sustenance in your kitchen, clean these appliances regularly. Consider the following tips:

  • Empty your toaster pan of crumbs regularly
  • Wash out any blenders or food processors and place lids back on tightly
  • Empty out coffee filters and dispose of them in the trash (or compost them)

Get rid of standing water to help minimize roach attraction

Cockroaches can live for weeks without food but must have a nearby water source to survive long-term. Getting rid of water sources can help make your home less appealing to roaches. Remove standing water around your home by fixing any leaky faucets and wiping surfaces dry after taking a shower.

Use caulk to close gaps and entry points to help prevent further roach infestation


Roaches seek shelter in your home, looking for food and water. Because of their small size, roaches can get into your house through a crack as small as a hair pin or a paper clip.

To prevent roaches from getting in, use caulk or another sealant to fill possible entry points, including gaps between walls or tile, small crevices and openings around faucets or utility penetrations. These cracks can also be sealed with weather stripping on doors and window seals.

Be wary of home remedies to get rid of roaches

When facing a roach infestation in your home, you may be tempted to take matters into your own hands. Although there are many natural and DIY methods products touted as cockroach solutions, they are often ineffective — and some are potentially dangerous.

Even "natural" methods should be used with caution, especially in homes with pets and children. Though these treatment methods are natural, they may involve chemical applications, which are best left to the professionals.

The benefits of such DIY treatment methods as borax, boric acid, essential oils, baking soda and diatomaceous earth (DE) are unproven. Even though these methods are "natural," that does not necessarily mean they can't pose a danger to your household if used incorrectly.

Similarly, using bug bombs or "foggers" to get rid of cockroaches is not advised. Improper use of these foggers can trigger breathing problems, nausea, or asthma attacks. Worse yet, using multiple foggers can potentially cause an explosion or cause a house fire if pilot lights or other ignition sources are not properly extinguished.

As with most DIY methods, application can be tricky and unpredictable, and likely won't stamp out a roach infestation. Instead, consult a professional cockroach control expert who can assess your situation and has the training needed to apply an effective solution.

How to get rid of roaches with conventional methods

Natural methods and home remedies don't always work, allowing the cockroach population to increase. In some instances, they can be potentially hazardous. That's why some homeowners prefer using more conventional treatment methods for tackling a roach problem.

Identify problem areas with flashlight and glue traps


When considering what cockroach control method to use, examine your home for possible heavy roach infestation sites. Use a flashlight to search popular roach hiding spots, including behind the refrigerator, under the sink, crevices in cabinets and shelves, closet door corners, bathroom cabinets, and closets.

Use roach glue traps for large infestations. Based on your flashlight inspection, decide on the most strategic areas to place glue traps or monitors. Monitor those areas for a few days to a week. With most cockroaches, traps or monitors can indicate a high-traffic area.

The main downside of glue traps is that some cockroaches are bound to avoid them. That's why, if you're looking for the best way to tame your roach problem, you should contact a licensed pest management professional. A Terminix professional is trained in integrated pest management, which combines a variety of treatment methods to effectively treat infestations.

How can I get rid of roaches permanently at home?

While there are an impressive variety of DIY roach extermination methods, most are only partially effective. Cockroaches are highly resilient pests. They adapt to many natural and conventional repellants and treatments. Getting rid of these insects permanently requires a comprehensive, professional approach.

How do pest control experts get rid of heavy roach infestations?

To help control a cockroach infestation, pest control experts take several steps. For instance, they:

  • Inspect your home to find cockroach nests
  • Evaluate the extent of the infestation
  • Consider the needs of your particular household (if you have any pets or children)
  • Design a personalized cockroach treatment plan
  • Decide which treatment combination will work best for your situation
  • Implement the plan according to a customized schedule
  • Offer cockroach prevention advice and schedule regular inspections

Hiring a Terminix specialist to treat a roach infestation gives you peace of mind, offers a proven and effective approach to getting rid of cockroaches, and provides an ongoing solution to cockroach control.

When you choose Terminix, you gain access to a personalized cockroach extermination plan that can help you forget about your cockroach problem. Contact us for a free inspection today!

Cockroach removal resources: