
  • Size: An adult male brown banded cockroach measures about a half-inch long and has fully developed wings. Adult females are shorter and stouter, with smaller wings.
  • Color: Brown banded cockroaches are light brown. They get their name from the two distinctive brownish bands running around their wings and abdomen.
  • Behavior: These cockroaches, like all other roaches, are scavengers that will eat almost anything organic, including bodily fluids and decaying matter. The brown banded cockroach sometimes eats glue or paste as well as starch or color dyes, so you may find them nibbling on stamps, envelopes, books and wallpaper. They also search for body oils and skin cells and can be found eating non-food items that contain traces of these cells, like nylon stockings.

    These roaches will eat food and other items in your pantry and indoor storage areas. They may carry bacteria and protozoa that cause disease, diarrhea or gastroenteritis, and they may deposit the germs on food and utensils. Brown banded roaches have been reported to spread at least 33 kinds of bacteria. They can cause allergic reactions in some and make asthma attacks worse, especially in children.

    Infestations can get out of hand as these roaches reproduce and spread. The female brown banded cockroach attaches a tiny (5 millimeter), yellowish-brown egg capsule to walls, ceilings or an object inside your house such as a table, bedding or other furniture. When you move the infested furniture, the brown banded roaches spread to other areas of your home.



Brown banded cockroaches live inside buildings, feeding on food and household items and spreading disease-causing bacteria. The brown banded cockroach is common in the Northeastern, Southern and Midwestern regions of the United States. They can be found in apartments, houses, hotels, restaurants, stores and hospitals.

They don’t require as much moisture as other roaches, so they tend to live in drier places, such as bedrooms and living areas. They avoid water and prefer high locations like the upper cabinets in your kitchen or bathrooms. They avoid light and are usually seen only at night. Brown banded cockroaches thrive in warm temperatures, ranging from 77 degrees to 91 degrees Fahrenheit. They may often spread to an entire structure as they travel throughout furniture.


Tips for Control

The best way to rid your home of a roach infestation is to call a pest management professional to treat the area. Here are some additional ways you can help decrease their population:
  • Vacuum often. This not only keeps your carpet and floor free of debris so you can more easily detect the presence of bugs, it could also suck up cockroaches and their eggs.
  • Keep a spotless kitchen. Pick up spilled food and crumbs immediately. Don’t leave dirty dishes out overnight. Store dry foods such as cereal in airtight containers.
  • Put garbage in a sealed container.
  • Seal cracks and crevices with caulk to help keep roaches out.
  • Use roach baits in areas where brown banded cockroaches live. A Terminix® Service Technician can install bait materials and find the best placement throughout your home to maximize their effectiveness.