The mosquito is the bane of man’s existence when it comes to human and animal relations. No other creature has caused mankind more annoyance, grief and disaster than this blood-feeding pest. The mosquito not only takes our blood in order to make eggs, which is an annoyance resulting in minor pain and itching, but can also cause medical concerns.


Basic Biology of Mosquitoes

  • The mosquito is a type of fly with a thin body, thin wings and long legs. The females are easily recognized by long, thin proboscis, or mouthparts, extending from the bottom front of the head.
  • Only the female mosquito bites – male mosquitoes feed on the nectar in flowers.
  • When a mosquito bites, she injects an anticoagulating agent into the skin to prevent the blood from clotting, thereby allowing her to feed. It is the body’s immune response to the anticoagulant that causes the reddened welts and itching.
  • People have varying reactions to mosquito bites, with some individuals experiencing rather large welts and severe itching.



Complete control or elimination of mosquitoes around any property is not possible. Mosquito reduction, however, is very possible and involves a number of components:

  • Habitat Reduction – Remove items or address areas that have the ability to collect water and hold it for more than seven days. This includes preventing rainwater accumulation, monitoring gutters and emptying birdbaths or kiddie pools.
  • Controlling Mosquito Larvae – For properties that have ditches, small ponds or decorative garden ponds, environmentally friendly mosquito larvicides can be applied to the water by a pest professional in areas in which mosquitoes can breed.
  • Controlling Adult Mosquitoes – The best way to limit mosquitoes is to prevent adult mosquitoes from developing by eliminating or treating breeding sources. Because some adult mosquitoes are most likely always going to be present, treatments can be applied around a home to control as many as possible.


Contact Terminix® for tips and assistance in reducing mosquito populations.