Beetles have many dwelling habitats. If you’re lucky, they’ll all be outdoors. Unfortunately, beetles can get inside your home, so to answer the question ‟where do beetles live,” some explanation is needed. Here’s a brief rundown on where you’ll find beetles, both indoors and outdoors.

Beetles in nature

There are far more beetles outdoors, so that’s a good place to start. Beetles are found all over the world. They can live in fresh water or on land, depending on the species’ preference and needs. In fact, beetles are found in every corner of the planet, except in the ocean and around polar regions (that we know of). Some beetles are highly adaptable and can live in many different terrains. Unfortunately, this explains why they can survive inside your home, even if they are naturally acclimated to an outdoor habitat.

Beetles can live in the desert, by the seashore, in the forest, in the swamp or even high up on mountains. They are found in caves, salt flats, meadows and rain forests. Many beetles enjoy human gardens, since gardens are typically moist and filled with easy sources of food. Just outside your home, you can find beetles living under stones, in and around old logs, beneath leaves, around mushrooms and compost, in the garbage or other similar areas of foliage and debris. Adults of many species burrow into the soil to lay their eggs, so you can also find beetle larvae and grubs living just a few inches below the surface of the dirt.

Beetles in the home

Unless you’re looking to start a beetle collection, none of this probably interests you. The real question is ‟where do beetles live when they get in your home?” That answer varies as well. Depending on the species and circumstance, some beetles will stick to areas in your home that resemble their natural habitat. Many beetles feed on plant fiber and nectar, so if you have floral arrangements, they might live in and around them. In fact, cut flowers are a common entry vehicle for beetles.

Beetles stick close to their food source, so depending on what the invading beetle species eats, you’ll find them living around those food sources. For example, carpet beetles eat a wide variety of items, mostly fibrous. Ironically, they don’t really live in carpets anymore, since most modern carpets are synthetic (though they will if the textiles are contaminated with food, urine or other ‟nutritional” additions). Red flour, cigarette, and saw-toothed grain beetles are also common home invaders that feed on stored products such as tobacco, flour, grains, fruits and nuts.

You’ll find beetles in and around rugs, furs, clothing, leather, upholstered furniture, animal hides, carpeting, cracks, crevices, baseboards, seat cushions, kitchen pantries, etc. They also like human and animal hair as well as dead insects and lint, so anywhere this matter collects is ripe for the pickings. Beetles also tend to live in areas that don’t get much use by humans. This includes attics, basements, sheds, cabinets, crawl spaces in the walls, or in furniture that isn’t used or moved much.

What to do when you find beetles

Finding one or two beetles in your home usually isn’t cause for alarm. Of course, beetle infestations can grow quickly and be very hard to eliminate. Your best and safest course of action is to call Terminix® for a free pest estimate, and find out if there is cause for alarm.