If you are a homeowner, you know that having the right kind of insulation can help you save money on energy bills. Did you also know that insulation might help keep certain types of insects out of your home? But, will insulation help prevent beetles? That answer may depend on the beetle – and the type of insulation.

Insulation against beetles. How does insulation help prevent against beetles? Some types of insulation can be treated with boric acid, which is toxic to certain insects, including cockroaches, spiders, mites and beetles. When these pests come into contact with boric acid, it can cause damage to their exoskeleton. If ingested, it will disrupt their nervous system, causing them to die. These dead insects are often eaten by other beetles, which then die from the residual acid. Another bonus to good insulation is that it keeps moisture out of your home. Wood-boring beetles require wood with a moisture content higher than 15 percent in order to develop. Wood with a moisture content below 15 percent means these beetles are not as likely to be in your home. Dry wood is also less likely to decay and is therefore less attractive to these insects.

Undeterred beetles. Can insulation keep beetles out? Yes, it can, but there are some beetles that will not be deterred. Carpet beetle larvae, for example, have been found inside insulation, and certain species of wood-boring beetles can damage it too. If you are wondering, "Can beetles eat insulation," the answer is yes. However, a more important question is, "Do beetles eat insulation?" Carpet beetle larvae will crawl into insulation looking for a place to pupate. These beetles also eat organic materials, which include some types of insulation that contain natural fibers such as animal hair or parts of grain plants. These insulations may be more susceptible to a carpet beetle infestation.

Hide and larder beetles have also been found inside foam insulation, but is important to note that it is the larvae of these beetles that tunnel into this type of insulation. Do beetles live in insulation, then? No, larvae enter the insulation to develop into the pupal stage, but adults will leave the insulation in search of a food source.

If you are concerned that old, damaged or missing insulation is leaving your home open to a pest invasion, call a pest management professional. Terminix® offers a comprehensive insulation installation that will help lower energy costs and prevent against pest infestation. Can insulation keep beetles out? It can control some beetle species if it's the right kind, and if you have professionals install it. Call today to schedule your free inspection.