To most property owners, stink bugs are simply a nuisance pest. To gardeners and produce growers, they are much more since some species of stink bugs cause major damage to apple, pear, peach and soybean crops each year. With no natural predators to control the population of these insects, they are found in abundance in almost every region of the United States. Females can lay considerable quantities of stink bug eggs, thus adding to the continual population growth.

A barrel of pistachios

Female stink bugs lay eggs on the underside of plant leaves. They produce as many as 30 to 100 eggs at a time and place them in rows of a dozen or more. The stink bug eggs are barrel-shaped and resemble small pistachio nuts. The eggs vary in color depending on the species of stink bugs.

Not in the house

Thankfully, stink bug eggs are not commonly found inside structures. The prime egg laying period for stink bugs is in springtime, when temperatures are warm. These pests may migrate to the inside of your home for shelter from the colder weather, but they don’t lay eggs during the colder seasons.

How to spot stink bug eggs

If you’re up for the challenge, you can attach a mirror to a stick or pole and look for clusters of stink bug eggs on the underside of plants around your property. You can remove and dispose of them manually, which may help prevent adult stink bugs from venturing into your home during the winter.

If stink bugs become more than just a nuisance, it’s best to contact a pest management professional for advice. Call Terminix® for a free pest estimate and get rid of these rotten eggs.