If you’ve ever seen moths in your house, you may wonder how they got in. It’s a really good question, as there are a wide variety of ways moths can enter the home. Of course, there’s always the chance that one slipped in the door or there’s a hole in the window screen. However, some of the ways these insects gain access to your house depends on the species of moths themselves.

How Do Moths Get In Your House?

Take a look at four different species of moths and some interesting ways they can make it into your home. Then, learn what to do if you find moths in the house.

Clothes Moths

True to their names, clothes moths are often found in or around clothing. Actually, let’s back up: The moth larvae tend to be found in clothing and are frequently the culprits behind damaged sweaters, wool jackets or even furs. Usually, the miscreant moths are either casemaking clothes moths or webbing clothes moths. Fun fact: The adult moths don’t have mouthparts, so they couldn’t eat your clothes if they wanted to.

As you might suspect, these creatures can hitch rides into your home on vintage finds from thrift stores, garage sales or consignment shops. The moth larvae could even be present on second-hand furniture that you’re gifted or buy online. They can also make it into your house through torn screens or cracks under the door. There’s even a chance you could pick up the moth larvae at a dry cleaner.

Pantry Moths

What are pantry moths? Well, they’re moths that you might find in your kitchen cabinets, drawers or pantry. More often than not, pantry moths are one of two different species: Indian meal moths and Mediterranean flour moths

So, how exactly do these moths end up in your house? Well, there are several ways they can enter. First of all, they could just make it in from outside, be it through an open door or window or gaps or cracks on the structure of your home. In fact, you may even see moth larvae crawling across your countertops.

These moths can also be introduced through food. As their names suggest, they’re not gluten free, and will lay their eggs in food material such as flour, cereal, chocolate, beans, dried fruit, bird seed and pet food. The moth larvae then try to make their way out of the containers to pupate.

Pantry moths may also be brought in through home decorations, such as wreaths or flowers.

How to Help Get Rid of Moths

As you can see, there are many different species of moths that could be in your home. While these insects might be seen as harmless outdoors, moths in the house can damage your wardrobe or ruin stored food.

Each different species of moth will require different prevention and treatment methods. For example, dealing with a pantry moth problem could require you to dispose of open boxes of cereal and invest in hard plastic or glass storage bins for your flours and grains. However, a kitchen pantry upgrade won’t do you much good if your problem lies in the bedroom closet.

Because of this, your best course of action is to contact a professional pest control company, like Terminix®. A trained technician can evaluate your pest issue to determine what species of moths may be causing you problems. Then, he or she can help you customize a pest control plan that best suits your needs.

Don’t let moths bug you. If you suspect an infestation, or want to help prevent one from happening in the first place, contact Terminix today!