Learning about the tick’s habitat will help you avoid tick bites. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about ticks, such as ‟where do ticks live” and ‟where do ticks come from.”


A: Ticks love moist and humid environments, but they can adapt to any number of different areas. In general, ticks tend to live close to their hosts. This includes dog, cats, rodents, birds, deer and unfortunately, humans. Contrary to popular belief, ticks don’t live on their hosts. They are typically found outdoors, in wooded or grassy areas, where they attach to their host and begin to feed. After taking in a blood meal, the tick detaches itself from its host. It then goes on to either find a suitable spot to molt, or another host. It’s not common for most species of ticks to infest a structure, though the brown dog tick does reproduce indoors. Other species, such as the American dog tick and the lone star tick, prefer to lay their eggs on ground soil, so these ticks don’t typically live in your home – they live outdoors.


A: Even though they live outdoors, ticks can get inside your home. This typically occurs when a tick ‟hitches a ride” on your pet, your clothing, your skin, your hair, etc. Since ticks live in grassy and wooded areas, all you have to do is brush up against some tall grass or a tree branch, and the tick grabs onto you. If it’s on your clothes, the bloodsucker will start making its way toward uncovered skin. Ticks generally prefer warm, moist places on the host as well, such as the armpit or groin. So ticks actually come from outside, but it’s you, your children and your pets that bring them indoors.


A: Knowing where ticks live outdoors and that you, your children and your pets are the biggest risk for transferring them indoors, is half the battle. Armed with this information, it’s up to you to take the proper precautions when going into areas where ticks live. For example, wearing long pants and sleeves, covering exposed skin and avoiding tick habitats whenever possible is a great start. Adding some tick repellent to your clothing and skin is an added level of protection.

You don’t want your habitat and a tick habitat to collide. For more information on preventing ticks, call Terminix®.